Veeam : AHV cluster intégration erreur connexion ssl

Vous pouvez avoir un échec de validation de certification si vous essayez d’intégrer des clusters Nutanix sur votre plateforme Veeam.

L’erreur est reportée aussi sur le log qui se trouve dans %ProgramData%Veeam%Backup\AHV\Veeam.AHV.PlatformSvc.log

En effet, à partir de la version AOS 5.20.4, AOS, et 2021.9.0.5 pour Prism central, Nutanix ne prendra plus en charge les chiffrements basés sur CBC lors de l’établissement du canal TLS, car ils sont considérés comme non sécurisés. 

Donc si la plateforme Veeam est installée avec

Docker : A quick reference commands

Docker is a containerization system which packages and runs the application with its dependencies inside a container.  In this post, I will share with you 10 Docker Commands you need to know while working with Docker:

  1. docker –version One of the first things we all want to know is how to find the installed docker version
  2. docker pull <image name> The ‘docker pull’ is a Docker command to download a Docker image or a repository locally on the host from

Nutanix : Using ansible to download and update NCC on alll you nutanix clusters

If you don’t know Nutanix Cluster Check (NCC), you can read more about it here and here . NCC is one of the most critical tools to detect any problems in your Nutanix platform, so it is important to keep it up to date.

When a new NCC version is released, you need to connect to each Nutanix cluster and upgrade NCC by using either the Prism web console or Life Cycle Manager.

    1. Log on to the Prism web console

Nutanix : Who deleted my VM ?

Someone deleted a VM from the AHV cluster. We can see a VM deletion task under Prism Element, but we can’t easiliy determine which VM got deleted and by whom? Can you help?

I am surprised this kind of information can’t be found directly on Prism Element (PE). All you got is a notification for a VM deletion task that doesn’t provide any further details.

If you need more information on who deleted a specific VM, the only option that

VMware : Tips of the week #6

Quick tip to show you how to fix Kubernetes namespace deleting stuck in terminating state: 

In this case, you can manually delete your namespace that is stuck in the Terminating state:

STEP 1 : Create a temporary JSON file:

kubectl get namespace kasten-io -o json > tmp-kasten-io.json

STEP 2 : Edit your tmp.json file and remove the kubernetes value from the finalizers array and save the file.

STEP 3 : Executing the cleanup command

kubectl replace –raw “/api/v1/namespaces/kasten-io/finalize”

Veeam : How to install Kasten K10 on vSphere with Tanzu

Disaster recovery, backup solutions and recoverability in general, are usually critical requirements to run production workloads, even when running pods and containers on a Kubernetes platform.

Veeam with Kasten can help enterprises overcome data management challenges and confidently run applications on Kubernetes clusters.

This vblog focuses on the integration of Kasten and vSphere with VMware Tanzu:

STEP1: helm repo add kasten
STEP2: kubectl create namespace kasten-io
STEP3: kubectl get sc
STEP4: helm install k10 kasten/k10 –namespace=kasten-io –set

VMware : Tips of the week #5

You can SSH to a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster TKC worker node as the vmware-system-user using a private key.

Below are the seven steps to follow: 

  • STEP1: Connect to the supervisor cluster
  • STEP2: Switch context to supervisor cluster
  • STEP3: Get secret from specific namespace when your cluster is created
  • STEP4: View the key for the specific cluster
  • STEP5: The key is Base64 encoded, decode it
  • STEP6: Change the access for  the key 
  • STEP7: Connect to one of the worker node


VMware : How to identify the LEADER SupervisorControPlane in vSphere with Tanzu

In this post, we going to show you how you can connect to the supervisor cluster control plane nodes and identify the Leader for Kubernetes master within VMware vSphere with Tanzu. This is important for certain troubleshooting and analysis tasks.

As you maybe know the supervisor cluster is the Kubernetes cluster that we stand up inside of a vSphere cluster when enabling workload management.

The supervisor cluster like other Kubernetes clusters operates an active-passive multi-master model and only one master

VMware : Tips of the week #4

We want to share with you some concepts, helpful commands, and gotchas that we have come across during the first few days within the Kubernetes world.  

Kubernetes uses a command-line tool called kubectl for running commands against clusters,  you may find yourself frustrated by the time spent typing repetitive commands.

This article will highlight tips used to simplify the usage of kubectl and save you time.

Shell aliases can be used to shorten all shell commands and not just

VMware : AWX Host inventory without UUID

When using the VMware vCenter dynamic inventory, the hostname is imported in the following format ‘name_uuid’. For example: vINCEPTION_56474ba9-b3f0-74cb-9ac4-fc895RTbb14b

If you need to get the hosts hostname instead of hostname_uuid using VMware dynamic inventory in AWX, this video will show you how: 
